Hi. To answer your question : first send in some floating food like flakes or frozen artemias ( after defrozing them in warm water ofc ) once the surface fish go eat , dive a tablet for the corydoras. Once a day it's ok and don't put too much at once , fish should be able to eat while the food did not made it to the sand. Better several smaller rounds for the surface fish.
1 jbl novotab or similar tablet serves 3-5 corydoras.
1 click of jbl granocolor mini serves 5 tetras or guppys.
NB : you tank is bit too small for your population. This can cause a lot of issues on the mid and long term as pollution will accumulate and possibly kill everything. Frequent water changes are in order ( 10% / week ) or upgrade to 120L+ and planting densely so plants absorb some of the nitrates.
Corydoras are school fish so 6 as a minimum , fine sand required.
Guppys can easily become a pest if they reproduce too much. Hopefully the tetras should regulate that a bit. So i hope you don't have a couple :)
How often to feed mix of fish in 60l tank?
Hello I'm new to fish keeping and have recently set up a 60l aquarium with 3 corydoras 10 tetras and 2 guppies. When I give the corydoras a pellet everyone joins in.! Is this normal and how do I calculate how often to feed if the pellets suit all the fish?