Alexivan Aquariophile depuis 3 à 5 ans

A propos

Ionut Alexandru, 33 ans, Homme, Saint-Louis
Devenu membre il y a 3 ans
Échanges, dons, ventes
Saint-Louis , Haut-Rhin , Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine , France
localisation de Alexivan pour rencontre et tchat


Hi, my name is Alexandru, I come from Romania, now I'm leaving in France and after I move here I decided to start again my adventure in aquatic world.
If at my first attempt to aquarium world I start with a small tank and I start breeding neon tetras ( 15 years ago ) now I start again but with diferent fish , like guppy , gouramy, molly , corydoras, and so on .
Now I start going a bit above those little tanks, I start to care more about the view you can have on you room and I start scaping.